Seeing before doing: Tips to transform your courses with video
Tento seminář už sice nestihnete, ale jestli máte zájem o podobný, dejte nám vědět!

Kdy: | 23. 2. 2022, 16:00 – 17:00 |
Kde: | online prostredníctvom služby Zoom |
Vložné: | zdarma, nutná registrace |
Webinár bude v angličtine online priamo vo vašom internetovom prehliadači a na prenos zvuku stačí, aby ste mali k počítaču pripojené reproduktory alebo slúchadlá.
Nevyhovuje vám čas konania? Dohodnite si online ukážku na živo v češtine (ČR) alebo slovenčine (SR).
Dr. Eric Greska, Assistant Professor, Department of Kinesiology & Applied Physiology at the University of Delaware, used JoVE video resources to transform his anatomy and physiology courses.
In this webinar, you can expect to learn how he achieved successful outcomes, including;
- the advantages of introducing video resources as a course requirement
- the benefits of embedding JoVE videos and quizzes into your Learning Management Systems (LMS)
- tips, tricks, and suggestions to get the most out of JoVE video resources
- information about how JoVE aligns with Affordable Learning and Zero Textbook Cost Initiatives
- Q&A session, and more!
- Accelerate Your Science Research & Education With JoVE Videos 22. 2. / 23. 2.
Kontaktujte nás
Albertina icome Praha s.r.o., Štěpánská 16, 110 00 Praha 1
tel.: 222 231 212
Albertina icome Praha s.r.o., Štěpánská 16, 110 00 Praha 1
tel.: 222 231 212