Úvod » Semináře » Track the evolution of social thought through the centuries using trusted sources in ProQuest and Web of Science
Track the evolution of social thought through the centuries using trusted sources in ProQuest and Web of Science

Kdy: | 27. 3. 2025, 11:00 – 12:00 |
Vložné: | zdarma, nutná registrace |
ProQuest and Web of Science are multiformat databases covering a broad spectrum of research areas and content types. Social science resources feature prominently amongst them. Social science content spans centuries of scholarship starting in the year 1606. The breath and depth of social science content included in both ProQuest and Web of Science provide the largest and most comprehensive coverage of scholarly publications in social sciences.
We will present how to discover relevant content in social sciences and provide examples of information discovery techniques to explore critical literature in social sciences.
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