
Úvod » Semináře » The influence of pop culture on mainstream language

The influence of pop culture on mainstream language

Tento seminář už sice nestihnete, ale jestli máte zájem o podobný, dejte nám vědět!
Kdy: 21. 11. 2024, 18:00 – 19:00
Vložné: zdarma, nutná registrace


Pop culture language commonly starts as specific to particular groups with shared interests, and is frequently adopted into mainstream vernacular.

Join Oxford English Dictionary (OED) editors Dr Catherine Sangster and Fiona McPherson, and guest speaker Prof Dr Christina Sanchez-Stockhammer for a discussion that will focus on the language of science fiction, fantasy, gaming, and other specific fandoms:

  • How and why language that develops in these communities is adopted more widely
  • How do the OED monitor these developments, and decide what should (or should not) be recorded on the OED
  • Interesting examples
  • The influence of World Englishes varieties and other languages
  • Q&A time – bring your questions to the panellists or send them in advance to

Please note that this event will be recorded, and all registrants will be notified once the recording is available for viewing. Webinář (v angličtině) poběží na platformě MS Teams a pro přenos zvuku postačí, abyste měli k počítači připojené reproduktory nebo sluchátka.

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