
Úvod » Produkty » Popular Culture Studies in Video

Popular Culture Studies in Video

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Pište a volejte, Jakub Petřík má odpovědi na všechny vaše dotazy.

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Popular Culture Studies in Video covers a wide array of pop culture topics, incorporating documentaries on films, television, fashion, comics, and gaming. It spotlights influential figures across the fields of entertainment, art, sports and cultural spheres. Through collaboration with respected publishers and independent filmmakers this collection brings together a wide range of content representing the many dimensions of pop culture. The collection enriches studies in cinema, television, history, and cultural studies.

This collection explores: • The evolution of French cinema and Hollywood's en­during imprint on cultural trends from the 20th to the 21st centuries. • The transformative power of television and its pivotal role in shaping cultural narrative. • Video gaming's impact on modern culture including career paths and the role of women in gaming. • The evolution of fashion history through visual exploration of clothing styles and trends across historical periods, societies, and cultural movements.

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