Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Oncology Book Collection
Producent: | Wolters Kluwer - Lippincott Williams & Wilkins |
Partner: | Wolters Kluwer - Ovid |
Typ: | E-knihy / Kolekce e-knih |
Platforma: | Books@Ovid |
URL: | Homepage produktu / Product info |
Obory: | Onkologie a radioterapie |

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Popis produktu
Kolekce 91 e-knih z portfolia vydavatelství Lippicott Williams & Wilkins pokrývá komplexním způsobem celý obor onkologie. Vedle základních děl je LWW Oncology Book Collection tvořena knihami, zabývajícími se léčbou, specifickým ošetřováním pacienta, vyšetřovacími a zobrazovacími metodami i jejich vyhodnocením:
- Bethesda Handbook of Clinical Oncology, The
- Te Linde's Operative Gynecology
- Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center at Johns Hopkins Manual of Cancer Nursing, The
- Prostate Cancer: Principles and Practice
- Fundamentals of High-Resolution Lung CT: Common Findings, Common Patterns, Common Diseases, and Differential Diagnosis
- Cancer of the Nervous System
- Practical Essentials of Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy
- Lippincott's Cancer Chemotherapy Handbook
- Pocket Oncology
- Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy
- Principles and Practice of Palliative Care and Supportive Oncology
- Wintrobe's Clinical Hematology
- Differential Diagnosis in Orthopaedic Oncology
- Biopsy Interpretation of the Bladder
- Proton and Charged Particle Radiotherapy
- Gynecologic Radiation Oncology: A Practical Guide
- Principles and Practice of Gynecologic Oncology
- DeVita, Hellman, and Rosenberg's Cancer: Principles & Practice of Oncology Review
- Wintrobe's Atlas of Clinical Hematology
- Biopsy Interpretation of the Liver
- Henderson's Orbital Tumors
- Bethesda Handbook of Clinical Hematology, The
- Bladder Biopsy Interpretation
- Comprehensive Textbook of Genitourinary Oncology
- Cancer of the Breast: Cancer: Principles & Practice of Oncology, 10th edition
- Rosen's Diagnosis of Breast Pathology by Needle Core Biopsy
- CT and MR Angiography: Comprehensive Vascular Assessment
- M.D. Anderson Surgical Oncology Handbook, The
- Ioachim's Lymph Node Pathology
- Pathophysiology Made Incredibly Easy!
- Mastery of Cardiothoracic Surgery
- Cancer: Principles & Practice of Oncology: Primer of the Molecular Biology of Cancer
- Khan's Treatment Planning in Radiation Oncology
- Vertebral Tumors
- High-Dose Cancer Therapy: Pharmacology, Hematopoietins, Stem Cells
- Advances in Surgical Pathology: Breast Cancer
- Manual of Clinical Oncology
- Rosen's Breast Pathology
- TNM Staging Atlas with Oncoanatomy
- Radiotherapy for Head and Neck Cancers: Indications and Techniques
- Cancer of the Thoracic Cavity: Cancer: Principles & Practice of Oncology, 10th edition
- Washington Manual of Surgery, The
- Koss' Diagnostic Cytology and Its Histopathologic Bases
- CT and MRI of the Abdomen and Pelvis: A Teaching File
- Principles and Practice of the Biologic Therapy of Cancer
- Lymphomas and Leukemias: Cancer: Principles & Practice of Oncology, 10th edition
- Master Techniques in Surgery: Breast Surgery
- Perez & Brady's Principles and Practice of Radiation Oncology
- Infectious Diseases
- Biopsy Interpretation of the Gastrointestinal Tract Mucosa: Volume 2: Neoplastic
- Image-Guided and Adaptive Radiation Therapy
- Pediatric Radiation Oncology
- Digital Mammography
- High-Resolution CT of the Lung
- Handbook for Principles and Practice of Gynecologic Oncology
- Insights on Death & Dying
- Flow Cytometry, Immunohistochemistry, and Molecular Genetics for Hematologic Neoplasms
- Manual of Dermatologic Therapeutics
- Advanced Practice Oncology and Palliative Care Guidelines
- Head and Neck Cancer: A Multidisciplinary Approach
- End-of-Life Care: A Nurse's Guide to Compassionate Care
- High-Resolution CT of the Chest: Comprehensive Atlas
- Manual of Clinical Hematology
- Pathophysiology: An Incredibly Visual! Pocket Guide
- Principles of Molecular Diagnostics and Personalized Cancer Medicine
- Breast Imaging Companion
- Radiobiology for the Radiologist
- Diseases of the Breast
- Radiation Oncology: Management Decisions
- Imaging of Soft Tissue Tumors
- Ovarian Cancer
- Radiation Oncology: A Question-Based Review
- Nuclear Oncology
- Molecular Anatomic Imaging: PET/CT, PET/MR and SPECT/CT
- Principles and Practice of Lung Cancer: The Official Reference Text of the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC)
- Pathology of Bone Marrow and Blood Cells
- Principles and Practice of Pediatric Oncology
- Principles and Practice of Surgical Oncology: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Difficult Problems
- Principles and Practice of Gastrointestinal Oncology
- Breast Imaging (LWW)
- Washington Manual of Oncology
- Hodgkin Lymphoma
- Clinical Breast Imaging: A Patient Focused Teaching File
- Cancer Chemotherapy, Immunotherapy and Biotherapy: Principles and Practice
- Berek and Hacker's Gynecologic Oncology
- Handbook of Targeted Cancer Therapy and Immunotherapy
- DeVita, Hellman, and Rosenberg's Cancer: Principles & Practice of Oncology
- Khan's The Physics of Radiation Therapy
- Skeel's Handbook of Cancer Therapy
- Perry's The Chemotherapy Source Book
Dostupné přes Ovid®.
Poslední novinky
- LWW Doody's Core Title a Essential Book Collections pro rok 2024 (5. 7. 2024)
- LWW Doody's Core Title a Essential Book Collections pro rok 2023 (10. 6. 2023)
- Ovid zpřístupní vlajkovou publikaci Americké společnosti pro výzkum kostí a minerálů (16. 1. 2023)
- Aktuální novinky v onkologické léčbě v novém vydání DeVita, Hellman, and Rosenberg's Cancer (14. 12. 2022)
- Vylepšený zážitek ze čtení pro uživatele Books@Ovid (14. 9. 2021)
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