
Úvod » Novinky » McGraw-Hill vydal Atlas of Minimally Invasive Surgical Operations a ďalšie novinky

McGraw-Hill vydal Atlas of Minimally Invasive Surgical Operations a ďalšie novinky

16. 5. 2018 - McGraw-Hill Professional

V máji vydavateľstvo McGraw-Hill rozšírilo kolekciu AccessMedicine:

  • 15. vydanie Review of Medical Microbiology & Immunology: A Guide to Clinical Infectious Diseases (Warren Levinson; Peter Chin-Hong; Elizabeth A. Joyce; Jesse Nussbaum; Brian Schwartz)
  • 31. vydanie Harper's Illus­trated Biochemistry (Victor W. Rodwell; David A. Bender; Kathleen M. Botham; Peter J. Kennelly; P. Anthony Weil)

Aktualizované sú texty z farmakoterapie v AccessPharmacy:

  • American College of Rheumatology White Paper on Biosimilars (Terry L. Schwinghammer, PharmD, BCPS)
  • Use of Ketamine for Improving Suicidal Ideation (Vicki L. Ellingrod, PharmD, FCCP; John Gideon)
  • Risk of Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis with Lamotrigine Use (Vicki L. Ellingrod, PharmD, FCCP; John Gideon)

Nové kapitoly a knihy pribudli do špecializovaných kolekcií:

  • AccessEmergency Medicine – dva texty What Progress Has Been Made Over the YEARS? (Coleman KE) a Possible PE? Low Risk? PERC First! (Sandra L. Werner, MD FACEP)
  • AccessPhysiot­herapy – 16. vydanie Principles of Athletic Training (William E. Prentice)
  • AccessSurgery – Atlas of Minimally Invasive Surgical Operations (John G. Hunter; Donn H. Spight; Corinne Sandone; Jennifer E. Fairman)
  • F.A. Davis PT Collection – 2. vydanie Mobility in Context: Principles of Patient Care Skills (Charity Johansson; Susan A. Chinworth)

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