Nové vydanie Pulmonary Physiology a ďalšie novinky na McGraw-Hill Medical
16. 1. 2018 - McGraw-Hill Professional
Do AccessMedicine vydavateľstva McGraw-Hill pribudli knihy:
- 9. vydanie Pulmonary Physiology
- 2. vydanie CURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment: Nephrology & Hypertension
- 2. vydanie Lean Six Sigma for Hospitals: Improving Patient Safety, Patient Flow and the Bottom Line
- The Cleveland Clinic Way: Lessons in Excellence from One of the World's Leading Healthcare Organizations
- Communication the Cleveland Clinic Way: How to Drive a Relationship-Centered Strategy for Superior Patient Experience
- The Exchange Strategy for Managing Conflict in Health Care: How to Defuse Emotions and Create Solutions When the Stakes Are High
- Healthcare Information Security and Privacy
- High Performance Healthcare: Using the Power of Relationships to Achieve Quality, Efficiency and Resilience
- Innovation the Cleveland Clinic Way: Powering Transformation by Putting Ideas to Work
- The Innovator's Prescription: A Disruptive Solution for Health Care
- It's About Patient Care: Transforming Healthcare Information Technology the Cleveland Clinic Way
- Management Lessons from Mayo Clinic: Inside One of the World's Most Admired Service Organizations
- Measuring ROI in Healthcare: Tools and Techniques to Measure the Impact and ROI in Healthcare Improvement Projects and Programs
- Performance Improvement for Healthcare: Leading Change with Lean, Six Sigma, and Constraints Management
- Prescription for Excellence: Leadership Lessons for Creating a World-Class Customer Experience from UCLA Health System
- Quick Medical Diagnosis & Treatment 2018
- Service Fanatics: How to Build Superior Patient Experience the Cleveland Clinic Way
V Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine sú aktualizované kapitoly.
Aktualizované sú aj špecializované kolekcie:
- AccessPharmacy – aktualizované kapitoly v knihách Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, Pharmacotherapy a Topics in Evidence-Based Pharmacy Practice
- AccessBiomedicalScience – aktualizované kapitoly v 5. vydaní Principles of Neural Science (Eric R. Kandel)
- AccessCardiology – štyri videá
- AccessEmergencyMedicine – v Tintinalli`s Emergency Medicine aktualizovaný klinický prehľad What was that discharge glucose? Who cares!
- AccessNeurology – aktualizované kapitoly v 5. vydaní Principles of Neural Science (Eric R. Kandel)
- AccessPhysiotherapy – 11. vydanie Motor Learning and Control: Concepts and Applications
Medicínske knihy vydavateľstva McGraw-Hill sú v elektronickej podobe dostupné pre organizácie len v kolekciách Access…. Okrem samotných textov obsahujú aj multimédiá a nástroje pre klinickú prax a vzdelávanie.
Chcete vědět víc?
Pište a volejte, Jana Machonská má odpovědi na všechny vaše dotazy.
Kontaktujte nás
Albertina icome Praha s.r.o., Štěpánská 16, 110 00 Praha 1
tel.: 222 231 212
Albertina icome Praha s.r.o., Štěpánská 16, 110 00 Praha 1
tel.: 222 231 212