Nové časopisy Taylor & Francis od roku 2017
2. 12. 2016 - Taylor & Francis Group, an Informa business
Taylor & Francis začne vydávať úplne nové časopisy:
- Canadian Journal of Respiratory, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine
- Policy Reviews in Higher Education
- Cities & Health
- Australasian Philosophical Review
- Modern Rheumatology Case Reports
- International Journal of Kinesiology in Higher Education
- Feminist Modernist Studies
- Technology│Architecture + Design
- International Journal of Spa and Wellness
- Structural Heart
- Statistical Theory and Related Fields
Na platformu Taylor & Francis Online prechádzajú od iných vydavateľov – Chinese Literature Today, Annals of the International Communication Association, The Sociological Quarterly, Journal of Science Teacher Education, Contemporary Japan, Investigations in Mathematics Learning, Geografiska Annaler Series A, Geografiska Annaler Series B, Journal of Forest Research, Journal of Urban Affairs, Mycologia, Journal for Control, Measurement, Electronics, Computing and Communications, The Journal of Higher Education a Iran. Ďalej časopisy American Nuclear Society Nuclear Science and Engineering, Nuclear Technology a Fusion Science and Technology.
Dvadsať titulov začne vychádzať ako úplne otvorené časopisy. Taylor & Francis vydáva 127 plne open access časopisov.
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Pište a volejte, Filip Vojtášek má odpovědi na všechny vaše dotazy.
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