Aktuálne analýzy a štúdie od World Bank
11. 3. 2016 - World Bank Group

Vo World Bank eLibrary boli zverejnené nové štúdie v edícii Policy Research Working Papers:
- Market Integration and Poverty: Evidence from South Sudan. February 2016
- Drought and Retribution: Evidence from a Large-Scale Rainfall-Indexed Insurance Program in Mexico. February 2016
- Does Child Sponsorship Pay off in Adulthood? An International Study of Impacts on Income and Wealth. February 2016
- Building a Competitive City through Innovation and Global Knowledge: The Case of Sino-Singapore Suzhou Industrial Park. February 2016
- Capital Flows and Central Banking: The Indian Experience. February 2016
- Prices and Welfare. February 2016
- Losing the Gains of the Past: The Welfare and Distributional Impacts of the Twin Crises in Iraq 2014. February 2016
- Growth, Urbanization, and Poverty Reduction in India. February 2016
- Egypt: Guiding Reform of Energy Subsidies Long-Term. February 2016
Digitálna knižnica World Bank obsahuje kompletnú produkciu kníh, časopisov, datových souborov, reportov a štúdií od r. 1990. Hlavnými producentami informácií sú tietož zložky World Bank: International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) a International Development Association (IDA). Čiastnočne k nim prispieva aj International Finance Corporation (IFC).
Pokiaľ vaša organizácia má predplatné k World Bank eLibrary, automaticky získavate prístup ku všetkým novým aj aktualizovaným publikáciám.

Chcete vědět víc?
Pište a volejte, Irena Mikešová má odpovědi na všechny vaše dotazy.
Kontaktujte nás
Albertina icome Praha s.r.o., Štěpánská 16, 110 00 Praha 1
tel.: 222 231 212
e-mail: aip@aip.cz
Albertina icome Praha s.r.o., Štěpánská 16, 110 00 Praha 1
tel.: 222 231 212
e-mail: aip@aip.cz